Ectopic Infra Orbital Nerves: Case Series of a Dangerous Normal Variant

Sandeep Jakhere, Veena Kalmath, Uma Chillalshetti


Normal variations in the paranasal sinus region are well documented in literature. We present five cases of a little known normal variant, which can have serious implications for the patient as well as the operating surgeon. An ectopic infra orbital nerve canal coursing through the maxillary sinus has rarely been described in imaging literature. This may sometimes be mistaken for a simple septum in the maxillary sinus and may cause serious complications during Functional Endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) surgeries. We describe the imaging findings and present a brief review of the previous publications on the same subject.


Infra orbital nerve; anomalous course; functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS)


Chandra RK, Kennedy DW. Surgical implications of an unusual anomaly of the infraorbital nerve. Ear Nose Throat J. 2004;83(11):766-7.

Mailleux P, Desgain O, Ingabire MI. Ectopic infraorbital nerve in maxillary sinus septum: another potentially dangerous variant for sinus surgery. JBR-BTR. 2010;93(6):308-9.

Elnil H, Al-Tubaikh JA, El Beltagi AH. Into the septum I go, a case of bilateral ectopic infraorbital nerves: a not-to-miss preoperative sinonasal CT variant. Neuroradiol J. 2014;27(2):146-9.

Ference EH, Smith SS, Conley D, Chandra RK. Surgical anatomy and variations of the infraorbital nerve. Laryngoscope. 2015;125(6):1296-300.

AmaalMI,Fatah AA. Computed tomographic localization of infraorbital foramen position and correlation with the age and gender of Iraqi subjects. J Baghdad CollDentistry. 2013;25:30-5.

Lopes PTC. Morphometric analysis of the infraorbital foramen related to gender and laterality in dry skulls of adult individuals in southern Brazil. Braz J Morphol Sci. 2009;26(1):19-22.

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